Thursday, 27 November 2014

The Power of Encouragement

Recently I came across this video, I was going to write a blog on encouragement, but Michael Zigarelli touches on it so well with the bible! I want to highlight some features though (spoilers tee-hee). An aspect I want to touch on is the aspect he covers from Proverbs 3: 27: 
One thing that stops us from this is underestimating the power of encouragement. I want you to think back to a time when someone really affirmed you, encouraged you or have given you a well done - not limited to when you have 'deserved it' for the time being, but just for being you - and remember how it made you feel. One thing that recurs in the bible many times is the human desire that is a longing for relationship, we see this in many parts of our lives today. I personally see it as, perhaps, a fundamental part of us, and encourage you - pun not intended ;P - to make a habit of encouraging other people. Take Michael Zigarelli's example for instance, make something of it, put one coin or a good substitute in your pocket and encourage one person a day. If you achieve that then try to have that coin, or what have you, placed back into the initial pocket. 

There are many things that discourage us, and in particular it's the things we compare ourselves with that trick us to think we need to become like them in a certain manner, when it should really be looking to God and thanking him for who we are. It can be hard to do that if the people around us don't give us encouragement; this is why we should tell our folks or flatmates we appreciate them putting up with us, tell your friend that they are looking like they flourished from God's good soil or something - don't underestimate the power of encouragement, and here's a witty quote that sums it up by John Maxwell: " does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.” 

Here's the video for those interested! Chea :)

Monday, 3 November 2014

Things to look at - November 14

Some things to check out when you're not busy with exams...


Beth shared this on Facebook a while back, but it's definitely worth a listen.

Citizens - An indie band out of Seattle.

Also, here's a song written in our very own NZ, I've been listening to lately.

And the one we sang on Saturday with some te reo. Remember, it's cool to korero.It has a long intro... so you might wanna skip a bit! Edge Kingsland have some other good stuff too.

Lecrae on being a man!

No video I'm afraid... but there is audio of John Lennox doing 2 q & a sessions around answers to hard questions... John Lennox is one clever guy and is a great defender of the Christian faith. Definitely worth a listen to. It's 2 hours long, but something you could listen to for a couple of questions and then head back to.

There are some other videos here if you prefer to look!

The Incarnation (spoken word):

This is Odd Thomas of Beautiful Eulogy fame doing an awesome spoken word on the incarnation. I think we might have our Christmas video sorted for church!

Another cool video (and there are other's too) is an animation of Genesis 1-11.

You've maybe seen it already, but an interesting critique on technology

I haven't checked out that much of it... but what I've seen seems cool, especially if you're a fan of spoken word.

Great resource for apologetics (answers to tricky questions) stuff:
You can choose the level appropriate for you too! Very cool.